Since its inception in 1978, the Barron Spotlighters is a non-profit community theatre organization dedicated to providing quality live theatre entertainment to Barron and neighboring communities. Currently, Spotlighters performs three major productions each season, often two comedies/dramas and one musical. Our stage is located in the Barron Area Community Center at 800 Memorial Drive, Barron, WI.
We strive to provide provocative, family-friendly entertainment, as well as various fun and educational experiences for members of the surrounding area. Scholarships are offered for high school seniors heading to universities or technical colleges, as well as students who wish to attend summer theatre workshops for youth.
As an all-volunteer organization, we rely on the regional community members to help ensure that the organization has the personnel to continue operating. We are always looking for new talent, whether that is on stage or behind the scenes. You can learn more by looking at our Get Involved page, as well as learning more about our volunteer Board of Directors.